Monday, July 7, 2008

10 mile training run

On June 6 I ran a 10 mile training run around the Willamette River.

I decided to do the same route as the 8 mile run I did... only include the Willamette Esplanade and cross at the Steele Bridge instead of the Hawthorne... effectively adding 2 more miles.

It was a cooler weekend than the one before... so by 11am, it was still low 70's. Sunny but with a nice breeze. It was perfect running weather, and people were out in great numbers because of it!

So, the route was from the OMSI, go south along the Springwater corridor, over the Sellwood Bridge, north up the Willamette Greenway trail to the westside esplanade, over the Steele Bridge, south along the eastside esplanade back to OMSI. Pretty easy. I ended up having to do a silly little detour around the esplanade at the Hawthorne bridge on the west side because the side walk was blocked off for a big blues festival on the waterfront. I was happily listening to my ipod shuffle tho, and didn't hear any of the music. I was able to get back onto the esplanade around the big fountain.

I had a GREAT run. It went so much better than I was expecting, and I was able to run strong at mostly a 10 minute mile... a touch slower at times. I finished in 1:45:45... a 10:35 minute mile average pace!! For a 10 mile run, I think that may be a PR for me!

I felt good after the run too! Not too worn out or anything. My feet didn't even hurt like they did following the 8 mile run 2 weeks prior. I now feel like a 12 minute mile half marathon is WELL within reach!!

Next weekend I'm supposed to do a 14 mile training run... but I'm also signed up for a 10K trail run event. I'm thinking since 7+5 miles the previous week for my 12 mile run treated me so well, I might as well do 6+8 next weekend (i.e. after the 10k, run an additional 8 mile run... probably around the Willamette River like before since I like that run). After the 14 miles I taper for a week before the half marathon on July 27th.

It's coming up!!

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