Once again, I took the week off from further training last week following my swim. I was saving my energy for the group run on Saturday. I was pretty sure the group run would go well, but at the same time I was nervous because I hadn't had 3 successful group runs on consecutive weekends since we were running less than 6 miles! This run was a milestone for me, even if it is a distance I've gone twice before and exceeded once.
Our run on Saturday started at OMSI, went over the Steele Bridge and up into NW Portland, or more specifically, up Thurston all the way to Leif Erickson Drive in Forest Park... and then ran 2 miles into Forest Park. Then we simply turned around and went back the way we came.
5 miles to the gate at Leif Erickson Drive, 4 miles in Forest Park, 5 miles back to OMSI = another 14 miler.
Val wanted to attempt to run this 14 miler nonstop, so we gave it a good go. I personally felt like we had a really strong run, but our time came out to... oh 3 hours almost on the dot. Which means we did about the same as the last two 14 mile runs! However, I have to keep in mind that this run went up Thurston.... which is a serious hill. Infact it's probably a bigger hill than anything we'll be seeing on the marathon course, truth be told. The fact that my knee held out for this run was brilliant.
Also, I should mention, to make sure we were being smart, Val and I walked down the steep bits. Our knees just weren't going to be able to cushion our descent if we tried it any faster.
Oh yes, and as an added bonus, I brought my camera along... just to see what it was like to run with it in my hand. Turned out, it wasn't really inconvenient at all. I totally didn't mind carrying it with me! So, for once... I have pictures of this run!!!
Not many mind you, we were just goofing around with the camera cause I had it.
Here is coach Joe addressing the runners before the run (it was really cold at that point in the morning... approx 7am). I believe he was talking on the topic of what to expect from the marathon course, how the aid stations are setup, and more on the fact that food isn't really going to be provided at the aid stations like we had grown accustomed to in our TNT training.
Not being fed is a serious subject.

Oh, also it's about time I've shown you who Val is! Here is an action shot of her running next to me.

Ok ok, here are some better pictures of us... one including Coach Joe even!

Once we were down the Thurston hill and heading back to OMSI, I had to stop for a bit to adjust my ace bandage wrap on my knee... it had been slipping a touch, and I was having trouble getting it back on in the right place with the right amount of constriction.
Here you can see me struggling with it, and then posing for a pic. Val was trying to get a different pic earlier, but then the bandage decided to hold me tight around my ankle and not let go, so I'm actually wrestling the thing in the first photo...

Whew! Isn't it nice when inanimate objects don't outsmart you?
So yeah, only a couple photos, but maybe you'll feel more like you've been on the run with us now!
Ooh, your legs are looking quite fit! I do feel like I was on your run, except that I don't have that satisfying tired feeling.
believe me, after 14 miles it's not a "satisfied tired feeling" but more of a pointed ache in your knees and feet, an inability to walk up or down stairs without looking like a gimp and bracing against anything you can for balance, and an overwhelming sensation that you just want to take a shower and crawl into bed with ice packs on your various problem joints.
oh, and sometimes you also can't stop snacking on gummi treats.
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