Saturday, June 9, 2007

a big day!

Total Distance So Far: 51.6 miles

After only 3.5 hours of sleep, I was up in time for the group run this morning.

It went great! I was able to run 6 miles with Val in 1:04:17. That's a little faster than an 11:00 minute mile avg pace. That was my longest run to date (both time and distance!). I have to say, the Lief Erickson run in Forest Park is super nice. I actually had FUN today. I never thought I'd say that after a 6 mile run.

I got back home in plenty of time for the garage sale. My friend Paul arrived in good time to help me put up the signs, and get ready for the sale. Sale was on starting at 10am.

It was kinda a slow start, puttered out by noon... and then lagged a bit. The weather was stormy, which altho sucky for a garage sale, has to suck worse for the participants in the grand floral parade in portland going on this morning. At least I have a large garage to seek shelter in.

When Mike showed up at 1pm to fire up the grill and make Otto Sausage Market hotdogs (#3 in the nation), things sprung to life once again, and was reasonably hopping until 4pm.

So, altho I had a slow & late start, and a sparse showing due to weather, I still was able to raise $145.45 (after recouping cost of the otto hotdogs). Not bad at all!

AND, I got a chance to meet some nice neighbors I had never met before. Double bonus!

So, altho the weather sucked, I'd consider today a relative success (still have a garage full of stuff too, ineffect have posted some of it on craigslist).

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