Friday, June 1, 2007

minimalist training

So, Hana pointed me at this article yesterday:
NYT: Modern Marathoners Have Fewer Miles on Them

It's surprisingly relevant to me right now. Apparently in the last decade or so the school of thought around training for a marathon has gone from RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN!! to running smart, and making it count. Neat. I seem to be a member of the minimalist training movement. I like that, since normally I'm more in the "taking things to excess" clique.

Admittedly, I've never been one to jump on a band wagon simply because Oprah showed me how, but look at me now! hee. Mind you, I don't have anything against Oprah. I hear her recommended books are actually quite worth reading. I've just never much followed what she's up to. And, I'm much more inclined to check in on Nancy Pearl for ideas around what to read.

In other news, I played 2 games of indoor soccer last night as part of my cross-training. In the first game (second half) I went ahead and blocked a shot on goal with my foot... and it kinda hurt. Some of the toes on my foot are a little swollen today (only slightly). I'm going to baby it (today is a rest day thankfully) and hopefully it'll be all better in time for my 4 mile run tomorrow morning. Hopefully.


btw, I gave away 13 muffins last night. I'm not sure any donations will come of it, but I can hope!

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